There is a total of 6 attributes types, around 60 attributes and a number of unique combinations to discover. The final rarity percentages on OpenSea will be available when all animals are revealed.

1. Animal
The animal species who experienced the shocking moment.
A total of 25 animals were caught in the moment of shock – and some of them get shocked a bit more often than others. Some others are raeally cool, and it’s hard to impress them (rumors say a turtle can never get shocked, but I don’t believe that)

2. Cause of shock
The reason why the animal gasped. Currently 22 different causes have been identitied, but feel free to discuss on Twitter or on Discord!

3. Background
Animals can put their physical bodies onto many different places, some of them more common, some other more rare (I saw once a cat in a transparent glass vase)

4. Time of Day
Most animals are sleeping at night, while some other animals are awake. Then there are surprises that wake up animals in the middle of the night (it happens rarely).

5. Frame Style
Not all frames are made of wood: some other are made of silver, some are invisible (yep), and there’s even some frames made of pure gold!

6. Number of animals caught by surprise
Usually one shot captures just one animal, but in rare, special circumstances, some animals have been caught in a group-shock pixel-representation!